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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) is one of Ontario's 36 Conservation Authorities. For over 50 years we have actively engaged in environmental monitoring and reporting, on-the-ground restoration and stewardship, conservation lands and education, development review and approval and flood forecasting and warning.

Our Vision is for a thriving watershed with clean abundant water, natural shorelines, rich forests and wetlands, diverse habitat and sustainable land use that is valued and protected by all.

Our Mission is to understand, manage, protect, restore and enhance the Rideau watershed through science, stewardship, education, policy and leadership.

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RVCA Waterbodies Edit

Last Update (mm-dd-yyyy): 01-10-2023

RVCA Waterbodies
represent the Lakes, Ponds and large Rivers within the RVCA, as a polygon feature class. They have been delineated using the MNRF LIO waterbody standard and using the existing LIO Waterbody layer as a base. This dataset is used extensively for Subwatershed & Catchment Reporting, as well as Regulations.


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Please review the associated licence below before proceeding. By downloading the data, you agree to the terms of the associated licence.

Licence RVCA Open Data Licence
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Category RVCA Open Datasets
Maintainer Dave Crossman, RVCA GIS Coordinator
Maintainer Email gis@rvca.ca
Last Update (mm-dd-yyyy) 01-10-2023


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Not sure what license to use? See http://licenses.opendefinition.org/
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